
Selected Publications

Riback JA, Eeftens JM, Lee DSW, Quinodoz SA, Beckers L, Becker LA, Brangwynne CP. Viscoelastic RNA entanglement and advective flow underlie nucleolar form and function (2022) Biorxiv. - [Article Link]

Riback JA, Zhu L, Ferrolino MC, Tolbert M, Mitrea DM, Sanders DW, Wei MT, Kriwacki RW, Brangwynne CP. Composition dependent thermodynamics of intracellular phase separation (2020) Nature. 581, (209–214) - [Article Link]

Riback JA, Brangwynne CP. Can phase separation buffer cellular noise? (2020) Science. 367 (364-365) - [Article Link]

Riback JA, Bowman MA, Zmyslowski AM, Knoverek CR, Jumper JM, Hinshaw JR, Kaye EB, Freed KF, Clark PL*, Sosnick TR*. Innovative scattering analysis shows hydrophobic disordered proteins are expanded in water. (2017) Science. 358 (238-241) - [Article Link], [F1000 Recommendation]

Riback JA, Katanski CD, Kear-Scott JL, Pilipenko EV, Rojek AE, Sosnick TR, Drummond DA. Stress-triggered phase separation is an adaptive, evolutionarily tuned response. (2017) Cell 168 (1028–1040) - [Article Link], [F1000 Recommendation]

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